sábado, septiembre 02, 2006

Mi primer càmara profesional...

Este semestre para la materia de Fotografìa I, utilizaremos equipos fotogràficos reflex anàlogos y digitales, por lo cual esta semana llego a mi vida mi hijo Diego; el cual es mi primer equipo fotogràfico profesional anàlogo reflex, he aqui unas fotos de Diego. En una entrada posterior hablare de las especificaciones de los equipos antes mencionados, para las personas que deseen saber un poco màs de ello.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Congratulations for your new child as you called it.
Luis I really think many of the things that you show on this site are really interesting, I am not an expert but I think you are very clear and simple in your disigns, which is something I like in any design.
i selected this section "My Fist Professional Camera" because I saw you in the Anglo and when I asked you about it you answered with such a good expression in your eyes that only now is when i undersatand why you gave it a name.If you named your camera Diego I guess is because it is not only an object but it will become a friend that will help you in your long carrier no?. Keep doing what you feel is correct and do it with passion and love only in that way you'll be successful.
Your Anglo Teacher
Erika M.

Luis Martín dijo...

Thanks Erika, I like to read and listen comments of people about my designs, and if the comments came from peolpe near to me it`s better. I expect you still visiting my web page.
And if some day you want something about design, don`t forget it, I can help you.